Good afternoon!
I had a great day with my co-ministers in our dear church, San Bartolome Parish...
It was a sort of motorcade around the Vicariate of San Bartolome in Malabon City. We've been through Tañong, San Agustin, Concepcion, Panghulo, Bayan-Bayanan, Niugan, Tugatog, Acacia, Longos, and Tonsuya...
Throwing out candies to many people as gifts for them was a true fun! I've had much fun!
And afterwards will be the last Misa de Gallo for this year...
I'm so thankful that I've been living here in this adventurous world for long...
Before I conclude this, I would like to say that my wish for Japan and Korea, and for the rest of the world will be published here... in honour of all Catholic Saints...