Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Christmas... Pasko... Navidad... Noël... Natale... Weinachten... Natal... Kerstmis... Χριστούγεννα... Рождество Христово... 聖誕節... クリスマス... 성탄절...

It's Christmas Day!

Lately I had a great time at the Romero-Uy Residence in North Caloocan City...

There were lots of people there, especially the relatives of my uncles and aunts...

I could still remember the time when I was a little lad... my mom and I used to live in that house before our house was constructed...

Even though we don't have yet electricity in Longos, I can still feel the essence of Christmas...

Sad to say...
I missed some persons...
Who are so special to me...

And now... I'm about to prepare myself for the New Year... another whole new adventure for the Year 2008...